Below are our articles on the subject of Europe. If you can't see what you are looking for our other categories are displayed on the left under 'Our Quick Links'...

Business Etiquette When Travelling
Good manners and proper business etiquette varies from region to region, country to country and continent to continent. Take a look at this article for some…...

Etiquette in France
Despite its proximity to Britain and other European countries, France still has its a few of its own distinctive social customs and rules of etiquette....

Etiquette in Germany
Germany adheres to most 'Western' ideas of etiquette. However, as a visitor to Germany, you should be aware that aspects such as forms of address and punctuality are…...

Etiquette in Greece
Greek society and customs revolve largely around family and honour. Make sure that you don't commit a faux-pas when on holiday by understanding the basic etiquette…...

Etiquette in Italy
Understanding the basis of Italian social etiquette is paramount in creating a good impression when travelling through Italy. Also learn why dressing well is so…...

Etiquette in Poland
Polish people can appear quite reserved and formal on first meeting, but you will soon find that they are also very welcoming, open and friendly. Trust is importanct…...

Etiquette in Portugal
Portugal is a country that highly regards family, outward appearance and respect towards authority. You should acquaint yourself with Portuguese ideals of proper…...

Etiquette in Scandinavia
The countries of Sweden, Norway and Denmark make up the area known as Scandinavia. Before visiting any of these countries, find out what common customs and etiquette…...

Etiquette in Spain
Despite being the home to a large number of British ex-pats, you should always make sure that you familiarise yourself with the local customs, traditions and etiquette…...

Etiquette in Turkey
The local customs and body language of Turkish people may vary from what you are accustomed to. Before taking a holiday or trip to Turkey, familiarise yourself with…...

Good Manners in Bulgaria
Tourism is a growing industry in Bulgaria. If you plan on visiting this beautiful country, make sure you have at least a basic grasp of the Bulgarian social etiquette....

Good Manners in Croatia
Planning on joining the other 10 million tourists visiting Croatia this year? Then check out some basic Croatian etiquette in this article....

Good Manners in Hungary
This article describes a few basic social etiquette pointers when visiting Hungary...

Travel Etiquette When Travelling in Russia
If travelling to Russia, you may find a few cultural differences. This article looks at the basic social etiquette that you should observe....